Vital ID

6639 Elm Rd
Lantzville, BC V0R 2H0

About Vital ID

Vital ID products contain essential medical details and emergency contact information in a way that’s easy-to-use and safe. Now, there’s no reason to hold up critical treatment while waiting for a person’s medical information to be located in a database somewhere.

Competitors of Vital ID

Radians, Inc.

Radians® is a Memphis, TN-based manufacturer of high-performance personal protective equipment (PPE). Its comprehensive lines include safety eyewear, hi-vis apparel, hearing protection, hand protection, rainwear, FR workwear, headgear, cooling and warming products, heated jackets, eyewash... Read More

UniFirst Corp.

International Enviroguard designs and manufactures an extensive assortment of disposable protective apparel and surface protection. We deliver Comfortable Confidence™ to safeguard what matters most. We protect your people, productivity, and operations with protective clothing that addresses your... Read More