Cobalt Audio Video

2350 Fortune Drive
Lexington, KY 40509-4240

About Cobalt Audio Video

Cobalt AV, the popular radio accessories division of ComtronICS Inc, founded in 2003, offers the widest selection of value-priced, quality-built headsets and audio accessories—everything you need from a single source! State-of-the-art products, including our own brand of Bluetooth® tactical wireless headset intercoms. Cobalt AV brand blue muff headsets with detachable radio/intercom cords are an industry favorite. We custom build headsets, cable assemblies, wireless telephony, and intercoms. Our warehouse in Lexington KY is ideally located within 1-2 ground shipping days for central and eastern United States, with quick turnaround for Canada. Dealer inquiries welcome.

Competitors of Cobalt Audio Video

Headquartered in Brea, California, PRYME Radio Products has been a leading manufacturer of high quality products for professional users of mobile communications for over 30 years. PRYME is devoted to innovating new technologies that serve a wide range of industries and uses. All products are... Read More

S.I. Tech Inc

S.I. Tech manufactures fiber optic communication devices such as modems (media converters), multiplexers, repeaters, hubs, and cable assemblies for LAN, WAN, Industrial, and Military Applications. Read More