Budzar Industries

38241 Willoughby Pkwy.
Willoughby, OH 44094-7532

About Budzar Industries

Budzar Industries has specialized in process fluid heat transfer systems since 1975. As a result, Budzar has earned a global reputation for quality and ingenuity in the design, engineering, and manufacturing of temperature control systems. Just look around. You will find Budzar systems in action throughout the world, delivering accurate temperature measurement and control to the production of chemicals, petroleum, plastics, rubber, paper, power, steel, food, and pharmaceuticals.

Competitors of Budzar Industries


MoviTHERM - Advanced Thermography Solutions is a FLIR Systems, Inc. distributor for Flir thermal cameras and application specific thermal imaging solutions. The company offers infrared thermal imaging systems for remote monitoring, automated thermal imaging and non-destructive testing. Thermal... Read More

Anguil Environmental offers a complete range of air pollution control and water treatment technologies for manufacturing operations. On vapor combustion applications, the company supplies thermal and catalytic oxidizers as well as emission concentrators to abate Volatile Organic Compounds... Read More


MoviTHERM - Advanced Thermography Solutions is a FLIR Systems, Inc. distributor for Flir thermal cameras and application specific thermal imaging solutions. The company offers infrared thermal imaging systems for remote monitoring, automated thermal imaging and non-destructive testing. Thermal... Read More